Contractor Tips Blog


Home Fire Prevention

Did you know that every year more than 3,500 Americans die and another 18,000 are injured in fires in their homes? That’s according to FEMA, and those fires cause an estimated $7.3 billion dollars worth of damage to homes and valuables too.

While insurance may cover the costs of replacing lost items, nothing may be able to bring back objects of great sentimental value like photographs of your children in their early years, or your wedding dress from the closet where it hangs as a reminder of one of the happiest days of your life.

One of the most important things to consider is that a fire can become life threatening in just two minutes from the moment that something in your home bursts into flame. You and your family deserve the best possible protection against this very real hazard.

The good news is that help is at hand. Heat and smoke detectors are available that keep an eye on your whole house so that you can be sure your loved ones will be safe. Not only do these systems work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year monitoring every part of your home for unusually high temperatures or smoke, but as soon as they detect anything unusual they will not only sound an alarm in your home but also send an alarm to a monitoring company.

For the best protection against fire for you and your family, chose a reliable alarm monitoring service that is approved by Underwriter’s Laboratories.  Ask if the monitoring is handled locally or off-site.  A local monitoring station can usually provide better and more reliable service in an emergency than one located hundreds or thousands of miles away.


Fire Alarm Inspections

Once you have made the investment in a fire alarm system for your home, office, or commercial building, it is important to have the fire alarm system inspected frequently.  No matter how great the fire alarm system is, it will not do any good if it does not work.  Seconds make a big difference in the event of a fire.   In an emergency, you need to be able to count on your fire alarm system working properly.  In addition, depending on your situation, an inspection may be required by your local building codes, fire department, or your insurance company.

The best way to make sure your fire alarm is in top working order is to have it inspected regularly.  Atlanta fire alarm inspections are best performed by a local professional fire alarm company. The National Fire Protection Association sets the national standards for testing and inspection of fire alarms.  A professional fire alarm inspector will be familiar with these standards and will make sure your system is in compliance with local codes and national fire alarm standards. 

There are several different brands of fire alarm system so be sure your fire alarm inspector is familiar with your system.  You can expect the inspection to cover your alarm system as well as compliance with other local and national fire codes and standards.  The inspector will not only be able to determine if your fire alarm system is in need of service or repairs, but also whether any other fire safety issues are noted. 

Regular fire alarm inspections are not only required by law, but they provide peace of mind and can save lives in the event of an emergency.

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