Contractor Tips Blog


Do You Need Insurance for Your Golf Cart?

Posted in Golf Carts

You have insurance on your home, vehicles and many other items you own, but do you have insurance on your golf cart? Many people never think about whether insurance is needed for their golf cart, but it may be wise to consider adding it for your protection. In most cases, golf cart insurance is inexpensive, but may come in handy if there is an accident. There are two main options for golf cart insurance: a homeowner’s endorsement and separate auto coverage. Here is the basics on each type and when they are appropriate.

Homeowner’s Endorsement

In many cases, an endorsement can be added to your homeowner’s insurance policy to cover your golf cart. This is usually used when a golf cart is only used for golfing or on your personal property. This is the least expensive option for coverage, but it is limited. If you use your golf cart as personal transportation on neighborhood streets, a separate policy may be needed for better coverage.

Auto/Vehicle Coverage

Your golf cart can be covered as a separate vehicle, protecting you in the event you are in an accident on the street or off your property. If you have a street-legal golf cart, this may be the best option for covering you when you are using your cart as a personal transportation vehicle. Some homeowner associations may require that you have insurance on your golf cart if you use it on the neighborhood streets.

To find out more about golf cart coverage, talk to your local golf cart dealer. They can recommend insurance agents that offer specialized coverage and other safety features you can add to protect against accidents and make your golf cart safer for use.

Posted on behalf of:
Top Dog Golf Carts
55055 Hammond Industrial Dr
Cumming, GA 30041
(770) 887-7433


3 Signs of an Aging Metal Staircase

Posted in Metal Stairs

Do you have a commercial building with an older metal staircase? While metal staircases can last for decades when maintained, they will eventually need repairs, retrofits or replacement. Many metal staircases on commercial buildings are outside and exposed to the elements. When they begin to age, they can become a liability for your business and need repair to keep them safe for your employees, tenants and/or customers. Here are three signs your metal staircase is aging and in need of some TLC.

  1. Rust. Most metal staircases have a protective coating to prevent rust. However, as they age, this coating wears away and the metal is exposed. Spots of rust or corrosion are definite signs your staircase needs maintenance.
  2. Holes in stair treads. If rust does attack the metal, the stair treads are often the first to get holes through the metal. Treads are thinner metal, and the coating wears off quicker, making them susceptible to holes through the metal.
  3. Loose welds. If the railings or stair treads are loose, the welds may be losing their strength. This can become dangerous and prove to be a liability if someone falls or trips on your staircase.

Repair or Replacement?

If you see any of these signs of aging on your metal staircase, it is time to schedule an inspection. Contact a local metal fabricator that specializes in metal staircases for an inspection. They can help determine if you only need repairs and new coating for your staircase, or if a complete overhaul is the best option. It is a wise investment to prevent injuries that could be very costly if you are determined to be liable due to an unsafe staircase.

Posted on behalf of:
LCG Welding, LLC
4625 Church Road
Cumming, GA 30028
(678) 455-5552


Make Your Siding Sparkle for Curb Appeal

Does your home look dull or rundown due to dirty siding? Mildew, dirt, pollen and other substances can stick to your siding, detracting from the beauty of your home. To make your home look beautiful and inviting, clean your siding and improve your curb appeal with pressure washing. It is a quick way to improve the beauty and value of your home, if you use the right tools and techniques.

Safely Cleaning Siding

Pressure washing can be used to clean most types of siding, but it is important to know the right methods. Too high of pressure or the wrong technique and you may damage the siding or loosen shingles. It is important to avoid certain problems, such as:

  • Getting water inside vents that can lead to water or mold damage
  • Lifting shingles
  • High pressure that can dent or pierce vinyl siding
  • Splintering wood siding or shingles
  • Removing paint from too high of pressure or too close of stream
  • Damage to soffits or fascia boards

While pressure washing can remove the dirt and mildew on your home, it can also cause thousands of dollars in damage if not done correctly. To make your siding look like new, it is best to hire a professional pressure washing service that has the right equipment, cleaners and experience to carefully and effectively clean your siding without doing any damage.

In just a few hours, your home’s siding can look fresh and new again. Contact a local pressure washing service to make your siding sparkle and improve your curb appeal. It can add value to your home and protect your siding from damage, making it a worthwhile investment to maintain your home.

Posted on behalf of:
Impact Pressure Washing
105 Commerce Drive
Fayetteville, GA 30214
(678) 697-7127


Hose Maintenance: Avoiding Line Breakdown

When it comes to keep your product line moving, hydraulic hoses can make or break your productivity. Most machinery requires these hoses to function, yet they are notorious for breaking, splitting and tearing. A lost hose is a common cause of a line breakdown, stopping everything until the hose is replaced. While hoses do have a finite lifetime, there are ways to extend their use and reduce breakdowns due to hose failure with preventive maintenance.

Prevent Outside Damage

One of the leading causes of hose failures is cuts or abrasion from exterior sources. If you check your hoses regularly and notice splices or damage to the outside of the hose, consider adding protection for the hose. A metal sleeve can protect the hose, extending the life and reduce the chance of exterior damage.

Replace Brackets and Clamps

Often hoses wear quickly due to missing brackets or dysfunctional clamps. It is important to inspect hoses and hardware routinely to detect any issues. If the clamps or brackets are not performing, the hose will be exposed to friction and movement that can reduce the amount of cycles.

Use Quality Hoses and Fittings

Often the reason hoses breakdown quicker than needed is due to using fitting and hoses of poor quality or from various suppliers. Finding a top-notch supplier that can provide both your hoses and fitting to ensure they mesh well can extend the lifecycle of your hoses.

In short, performing some visual inspections routinely to replace broken or worn parts, along with using quality hoses and the right hardware can help prevent breakdowns on your production line. Stick to a regular schedule of hose maintenance and you can improve your productivity for higher revenue.

Posted on behalf of:
The King Group, Inc.
6865 Shiloh Road East, #100
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 886-1113


Trends in Residential Staircases

Posted in Stairs

While stairs are always a necessary piece of a home’s architecture, the design and style have become more and more important.  New styles in staircases can turn them into showpieces themselves. There are many styles of staircases that are on trend today that fit every aesthetic.

Sustainable Stairs

Choosing to make staircases ecologically sustainable is a trend for green home builders.  Doing the research to choose wood that is eco-friendly and beautiful is easier than ever.

Glass Infill

Instead of traditional balusters, consider using glass infills instead.  Using a toughened glass gives a minimalist modern style while allowing light to pass through giving an unobstructed view.

Metal Finishes

Using metal finishes in your staircase design gives a modern touch to your overall look.  Metal balusters may be added to a traditional staircase or wrought iron in a variety of designs can reflect the overall architecture of the home.  And metal is very strong and durable.

Stainless Steel Cable and Tube

Using horizontal steel cable in place of vertical balusters is a new modern look.  Cable and tube was popular in outdoor decking and commercial applications, but it is being brought into homes more often.  It gives a cool industrial look and can also be used with more traditional wood handrails to soften the appearance.  It also allows light without sacrificing safety.

Staircases don’t have to be the monstrosity in the middle of the house. Play them up to be a focal point that you are happy to show off. Find a stair specialist in your area to help you design a staircase that reflects you and your home’s style.

Posted on behalf of:
Southern Staircase/Artistic Stairs
6025 Shiloh Rd, Ste E
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(888) 510-0342


4 Big Benefits of Replacing Your Old Roof

Posted in Roofing

There are a few home improvements that are considered major expenses, one of them being replacing your roofing. While it may be more fun to spend the money on a new pool for your home, roofing is not a luxury; it is a necessity. If you have been putting off replacing your old roof just because it is not leaking yet or creating any problems, maybe now is the time to finally purchase that new roof. Here are four big benefits to replacing your old roof.

  1. Energy efficiency. Did you know your roofing can help improve energy efficiency in your home? The materials available today can help insulate and protect your home to keep it cool in the summer and warmer in the winter, saving you money on cooling and heating.
  2. Aesthetics. An old roof can detract from the beauty of your home. Adding a new roof can give your home a makeover, especially with the stylish options available in modern roofing.
  3. Protection. Your roof is the main source of protection from the elements for your home. A sturdy, durable roof can protect your home during storms and natural disasters that may come your way.
  4. Prevent damage. Don’t wait for that old roof to begin leaking, causing you more expense when you need it replaced. Be proactive and replace it now to prevent water and other damage to your home.

A new roof adds value, protection and beauty to your home. If you have been procrastinating on buying a new roof, now is the time to stop. Get a new roof installed before the winter storms hit to protect your home for many years to come.

Posted on behalf of:
Atwood Home Builders
227 W 8
th Ave
Homestead, PA 15120
(412) 638-1262


Common Problems Homeowners Mistake as No Big Deal

When you own an older home, you expect that some things won’t work perfectly. Decades of time can settle a home and cause slight changes in the structure. However, there is a big difference between floors that creak and a home that has a foundation that is sinking. Some common problems that homeowners write off as no big deal can often be signs of a foundation issue. Here are some issues that deserve a second look and inspection by a foundation specialist.

Door and Window Issues

Windows that won’t open or doors that won’t close can be more serious that just settling in the door jams or stuck window paint. If the foundation is settling, these openings in the structure may be the first places that show signs of distress. One problem window may be just an old home oddity, but if you have having trouble with a few doors or windows, you should get a foundation inspection.

Walls Cracks

Interior or exterior wall cracks are not “wrinkles” on an old home. They are signs of a foundation that is unlevel or settling. If not fixed, these cracks will become larger and more frequent. Eventually, the home may no longer be safe.

Floor Issues

Your floors are another area that may be overlooked when it comes to old homes. Unlevel or sloping floors; cracks between the floors and walls; cracks in the floor tiles; these can all be signs of a foundation issue.

Even if a problem seems in significant and is only a nuisance, it can be a sign of a larger issue in your home. Call in a foundation expert to have your home inspected to determine whether your common old home problems are due to an issue with your foundation.

Posted on behalf of:
Anglin’s Foundation & Masonry Repairs
1027 Oregon Trail
Marietta, GA 30008
(770) 422-2924


Benefits of Buying a Used Golf Cart

Posted in Gutter Cleaning

Are you tired of renting a golf cart when you hit the course or wish you had a golf cart for personal transportation? If you can’t rationalize buying a new golf cart for yourself, consider investing in a used golf cart. There are many quality dealers that sell used golf carts that can fit almost any budget. Here are some of the benefits of buying a used golf cart for your personal use.

  • Save thousands. Like new cars, new golf carts can be much more expensive. Once they are used, they automatically lose value, even without much use. They are a great investment for those who prefer a new vehicle, but if you want to save money, a used golf cart can be a great value.
  • Low miles. Many golf carts are only used once a month or less and often traded in for a new model. If well maintained, a used golf cart can be reliable and have little wear or tear on the motor or other features.
  • More money for customization. Buying a used golf cart versus a new model leaves you more money to spend on upgrades and customization. You can add the features you desire like a new paint job, stereo, heating/cooling and more to personalize your “new-to-you” golf cart.

If you are interested in buying a used cart, it is best to buy through a dealer. Most used carts at dealers have received an inspection and maintenance, ensuring you are getting a quality cart that you can trust. Check out the used options at your local dealer and start reaping the benefits of owning your own golf cart.

Posted on behalf of:
Top Dog Golf Carts
55055 Hammond Industrial Dr
Cumming, GA 30041
(770) 887-7433


Keep Your Business Secure with Bollards

It is not just large corporations or government entities that can benefit from using bollards for security. Any brick and mortar business that has a street entrance or is near a busy commerce area can be a good candidate for bollards. Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider adding customized bollards around your business for safety and security.

Prevent Vehicle Crash Damage

Vehicles crash into buildings all the time. A slip of the foot, and a car accelerates instead of stopping. If your business is right off a busy street, a few strategic bollards could stop any vehicle before it crashed into your storefront. For restaurants with an outside patio area, this is very important to keep your customers safe. A small fence will not stop a vehicle from running over the patrons on your front patio.

Steer Foot or Bike Traffic

Bollards do not stop pedestrians or bikes, but they can help steer foot or bike traffic away from certain areas. Putting a bollard alongside your building helps deter wanders from going back into “employee-only” areas. Painting the bollard red and adding “employees only” will help keep many curious people that may otherwise enter restricted areas.

Prevent Parking

If you have a loading area, making sure no one parks in the spot by adding bollards. You can still leave enough room for loading and unloading, but label the bollards to restrict the area as a loading zone. This will ensure deliveries can be made on-time and safely off the street.

Bollards can have many uses for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Plus, if you choose a talented metal fabricator, you can have your bollards customized in shape and size. Talk to your local welder that offers customized bollards to find out more about adding them to your business for safety and security.

Posted on behalf of:
LCG Welding, LLC
4625 Church Road
Cumming, GA 30028
(678) 455-5552


Benefits of Rubber Conveyor Belts

Posted in Conveyor Belts

There are many different types of conveyor belts available in various materials, shapes and patterns. One of the most common belts used across many industries is the rubber variety. Rubber belts are considered a general or multi-purpose conveyor belt that can be used in many industries. Here are some of the benefits and attributes of rubber conveyor belts.

  • Handles high and low friction. Rubber is a good material for conveyor belts that undergo high friction, such as inclining or declining applications. It can also handle low friction for accumulation or heavy loads.
  • Food grade. Special rubber conveyor belts are used for many food grade applications in manufacturing edible products. However, it is important to ensure that the belt is food grade and certified for use in the food industry.
  • Cut and oil resistant. Rubber is a durable material that can withstand sharp objects cutting the belt and does not react with oily substances.
  • High temperatures. Rubber conveyor belts are an excellent choice for handling high temperature conditions or products.
  • Versatile. Rubber conveyor belts can be customized for texture and cleating as needed to meet a variety of needs.

If you are trying to decide the right conveyor belt for your needs, rubber materials tend to meet most general purposes. However, you want the right material and design to get the best results. Contact a conveyor belt manufacturer and supplier that offers many different types of belts to get more information on what will best suit your business. In many cases, rubber conveyor belts are the best option, but heavy or wet objects, metal belts may be a better option. Talk to your conveyor belt experts to find out if rubber is right for your next conveyor belt purchase.

Posted on behalf of:
The King Group, Inc.
6865 Shiloh Road East, #100
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 886-1113

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