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Quality Metal Stairs for Apartments

Posted in Metal Stairs
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Metal stairs for apartment complexes come in a variety of styles, shapes, and sizes.  And, as with any building that’s accessible by the public, safety is top priority. Apartment complex stairs require both ease-of-access and durability. Many staircases or stairways in these cases undergo high traffic because they lead to a large number of apartments. 

Additionally, residents and visitors using apartment complex stairs don’t worry about their maintenance. After all, it’s not their building or problem. Therein is another problem – tenants, residents, and others dragging extremely large and heavy objects up and down the stairs. This alone is more than enough to cause significant damage or wear to apartment staircases…especially those not carefully constructed from stainless steel and other metals to withstand such abuse.

Heavy-duty Apartment Stairs

It’s not uncommon to find apartment complexes with steel stairways with treads made from concrete. When properly constructed and maintained, metal stairs in apartment buildings will endure for decades. 

Important Steel Stair Considerations

  1. Steel stairways can be a bit more expensive than those made from timber (wood). However, when you factor in their durability, it’s often worth it in the long run.
  2. Despite the durability of concrete treads within steel stairways, they might break. If so, you’ll need to have them inspected immediately, and then replaced if necessary.
  3. Steel stairways that have concrete treads are amazingly strong and able to withstand high-traffic and the movement of large, heavy appliances and furniture.
  4. Despite being simple to maintain, steel stairs with concrete treads require maintenance. If the metal ever experiences any rust or corrosion, then be sure to have it professionally treated before painting it. 

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