Contractor Tips Blog


How Would You Use a New Golf Cart?

Posted in Golf Carts
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Golf carts are quickly becoming the preferred way to travel around large commercial properties or even in residential areas. These small, economical vehicles come in a variety of sizes and capabilities which allow them to transport their users quickly and safely within short distances. Although you will still see plenty of these carts on the golf course, at parks and airports, they are becoming very popular for individuals. If you owned a golf cart, how would you use yours? 

–        Neighborhood transportation. Golf carts can be equipped to legally travel on roads in many areas. This gives their owners a quick, fun way to visit neighbors or even go to the local store down the road.

–        Hunters and outdoorsmen. Many hunters and outdoorsmen love using a golf cart to get to their backwoods destination. Their small design allows them to travel where larger vehicles cannot, saving outdoors enthusiasts time and effort.

–        Large property owners. Those who own a farm or large piece of property enjoy the convenience of having a golf cart to transport them, along with any items they need, from point A to point B.

–        Physical impairments. For anyone who has a physical impairment which makes walking long distances difficult, a golf cart can give them back their freedom. Small golf carts can be brought along to large events, campgrounds and many other areas that require too much walking for some people. 

Golf carts come in both electric and gas models, with sizes ranging from two to six people, or more. If you’ve always wanted a personal transportation vehicle, it may be time to get yourself a new golf cart. It’s also the perfect gift to give a loved one who would benefit from the convenience all these small vehicles can offer.

Top Dog Golf Carts
55055 Hammond Industrial Dr
Cumming, GA 30041
(770) 887-7433

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